
offering“A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations…” – Winston Churchill

This decade of American history will be remembered as a time of great loss of cultural tradition and integrity.  Today there is a great deal of confusion concerning such things.  Cultures must change with the in breath and out breath of time.   Yet the fabric is delicate and must not be torn.

I am an American.  Those traditions feed my soul.  It is natural for me to feel most comfortable in that domain.   I honor the fact that other traditions do the same for their corresponding cultures.  The next great step in human history will include the honoring of cultural integrity… be it of our own or of other nations.  Only when done, will nations rise to truly support one and other.  Current attempts to do so often result in a blurring of cultures and thereby a dilution of integrity or in the tolerance of one and other.  However, I am speaking here not of mere tolerance but of love… love for humanity must include love of cultural diversity.

Vedic tradition has come to us through the veil of the Hindu culture.  My interest is not in making more Hindus.  My interest is in make better Hindus, better Christians, better Jews, and so on.  The fact that Vedic Knowledge comes to humanity through one culture is a gift… an opportunity to cultivate respect for one and other.  Real respect is rooted in love.

Yet Vedic tradition transcends mere cultural affinity, just as the science of why a cell phone works transcends cultural bias.  The depth and breadth of Vedic Science encompasses so much that it is not possible for the casual observer to discern where the science leaves off and the cultural orientation takes over.  Yet once the individual sheds the need for mere tolerance and awakens to the state of love for humanity, the question is muted.  Then we are afforded the grace of time to evolve ourselves and our world.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. Thank you for giving yet another approach to addressing my “rough patch in the road.” When I came to the last paragraph of the blog my eyes were tearing and I physically felt the letting go of the need for mere tolerance and the awakening to the love for humanity expressed in and through the Vedic traditions. I sensed you looking back over your shoulder and saying,”it’s this way.” Definitely a moment to build on, and I am very grateful for that and, as always, for your continued support and guidance.

  2. Thank you for this blog post which is so beautifully and poetically expressed. It helps me so much to understand Mount Soma on a deeper level. And I love the concept of cultures evolving while retaining their “delicate fabric” and of honoring other cultures with a deep, respectful love.

  3. Lovely Gwen. And to Patricia also, your comment is beautiful.

  4. This blog is exactly why I so comfortably and passionately share my discovery of you Brahmarshi and the knowledge you bring forth.In the S.F.Common Wealth club lecture you began with a statement..I was talking to the person who cuts my hair and she said the two things we do not talk about in the salon are politics and religion.(I guess I was absent that day in beauty school:) You have taught me how to talk about either while coming from a place of humility and love.Your words are for the entire world..I am and will continue to share with everyone possible..where and how to hear them.
    Thank You for that opportunity

  5. Brahmarshi this blog has touched my heart and is right on time with reference to a current shift in my life. I have decided to follow an inner calling to pursue a Masters Degree in Theology at Providence College, a Dominican school in RI. I have contemplated this a great deal and while I truly believe that my daily practice of meditation and continued exploration of the Vedic tradition through your teachings are the most important keys to my personal growth and spiritual evolution, I am also very sincerely pulled to gain a deeper, intellectual understanding of my Christian tradition. As you have said, there is so much confusion regarding cultural integrity particularly within what used to be an maybe still is a Christian dominated western culture. My dream is to help bridge the gap between the christian tradition and spiritual knowledge as it is currently being breathed into western consciousness. I must first, however, bridge the gap within my own consciousness. I am also challenged with the task of perusing this academic endeavor while staying true to my heart and spiritual evolution which I believe, as you have taught me, is about the depth not the surface. You say that your interest is not to make more Hindus, but better Christians, or Jews, and others. Well, I would like to tell you, you are helping me in a profound way and this teaching of Love for Humanity through Love for culture diversity is so beautifully powerful. Regarding my endeavor, any words of advice would be helpful. Thank you Brahmarishi.

  6. Erik,
    I would only echo or rephrase your words. Do not go there expecting to learn more about God other than in that all paths lead to God. Rather if you choose to go there, do so to learn more about the ways of modern mentality so you can in time, through the credential you attain, teach them about God. This will require a great deal of patience and humility on your part. For they will see their goal as indoctrinating you. To survive, you will have to be strong, reserved and quite diplomatic. You will, of course, need to continue to grow and evolve. There are already far too many teachers who would more appropriately be students. True learning is not the assimilation of facts but instead the evolution of one’s being.

  7. Erik,
    You will also need to remember that the subtle difference makes all the difference. Echos of truth perceived as truth hold truth at bay for lifetimes.

  8. Brahmarishi, your advice is greatly appreciated and your sentiment of caution I will hold close. I see my endeavor not as a search for God, but rather an exploration of the history of my Christian tradition and theolical empressions empacting Christians today. I feel like if I have a better understanding for the context of where a predominantly Christian western culture has been, it will help in understanding how to move forward in this time of great change. So many are just dropping their Christian tradition like an old hat and literally buying a new one, like expensive seminars, books, yoga class, or trying a different religion. Don’t get me wrong, if that is what is in one’s heart great, but I feel like the delicate fabric as you say is getting not torn but thrown out or stuffed in a closet. I truly look to you as my guru and teacher as is the Christ Consciousness that has watched over me me whole life. I will surely need you to successfully navigate the course. Maybe it would be ok to email you moving forward? Thank you so much, I am confident that your teachings and meditation will keep me safe. Thanks again, Erik

  9. Erik,
    Whole-heartedly agreed

  10. I read the blog when it came out and came back to it this morning reading the comments. I have some new age American friends who choose to believe that with the new age coming we will all be viewing existence in the same way. Growing up with two cultures and experiencing the exquisite expression of existence on four continents, I am happy reading this entry as well as the comments. It brings me a relaxation, a whisper of relief, deep within. That is profound healing for all that is, reaching far more extensively than to cultures and coming back to the Self, then back out to the whole…

  11. There are a multitude of flower types in the garden of life. Unity does not mean the elimination of everything you do not feel at one with. Unity means unity with all diversity. One with all that is. Spirituality is the first field most everyone has an opinion of. Yet rightfully, it should be the last. It is the vessel that hold all fields of life and existence… vast, paradoxical, profound, elusive.

  12. I am exploring the Ayurvedic postpartum care traditions for new mamas at the moment. It is a dive into the deeper traditions of Ayurveda for me but also bringing that grounding care to American moms and shifting the focus of how a mom moves into her strength as a parent. It is not about ramming the traditions down the throats of moms, literally-as I explore the foods and cooking and the tastes of Americans but about bringing that inner wisdom to the surface for them, moving them in their personal evolution, and oh so gently. I see this generating possibly greater tolerance through Sattvic influence, mama being gentle with herself and gentle in the family and world.