A Life-Transforming 48 Hours

ganeshThe past 48 hours at Mount Soma were among the most incredible hours of my life.

The power during the Mahashivaratri was unbelievable.  It is not about the surface. It is about the depth.  It is about the movement of the unmovable within you.  There is such a strong deep inner essence, awake, bright, solid, full, eternal, loving… on and on.  It is so tangible and brings such a deep quiet joy to your soul.  It seems that to describe it, you are compelled to use paradoxical language.  Still, yet dynamic. Silent, yet overt.  Peaceful, yet alert.

Something truly amazing is happening here.

So much has happened in the past year.  And the upcoming year promises to be… well, what can I say.  Great? Fantastic?

Get the depth right and the surface takes care of itself.  The past 48 hours has certainly given everyone who attended a taste of that truth.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. I have to agree the past two days have been great! Especially on Mahashivaratri, I went up to the temple alone at 4am, I can see why you attend everyday. It was unbelievable!

  2. What an experience. Beyond Belief.

    Jai Guru Dev!