Proclaiming The Global Initiative

I received the following email…



I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India). I came to know about your global spiritual enrichment seva (service) through an english daily (The Indian Express).


I am really elated to hear and see a great spiritual endeavor being taken up by you Americans. At the same time I would like to emphasis the fact that many in our country (young aged people) really do not understand the value of our religion and the eternal Vedas.


The main reason behind this is that due to modernization many of the BRAHMINS have withered away from their foremost duty of reciting Vedas and making it their life, including me.  Many of them are software engineers and working for American projects.


Let your initiative bring the glory back which is intangible (Realized only by those who really deserve it) and show these Indians the true value of Vedas.


I will pray to the lord for your worldly spiritual cause to succeed in an eternal way.


To which I responded:


Kind Sir,


Your message has touched my heart.


I am very grateful for your support.  I am fully dedicated to bringing about cultural integrity for India, the land of the Veda.


What you say is quite correct.  Not only does the world not understand the exquisite jewel that India is, even many of the youth of India do not.  It is my intention to change that.


I believe I was born, this lifetime, as an American for a reason.  I know well the modality of modern and scientific thought.  This is the language the world, including India, has learned to speak and believe in.


By speaking in the terms of their language, I can guide those people to see beyond the limits of that language, while not turning their back on what it does have to offer.


This is indeed Kali Yuga.  Together, may we bring about an Age of Sat Yuga in it’s midst.


Jai Shiva Shankara,



© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. I have traveled twice (in 2 years, 2 weeks each) visiting Indian temples with my students in the center, We have visited many temples. some of them is your recomendation. Our tour guidesvery much amazed what we have learned from your knowledge by your teaching. I would think you like to hear the coment they made, “we live in the land of spiritual energy, but most of us do not have that in our heart to experience the feeling of connection. you people comes from far away, you have such spiritual energy in your heart to truely connect it in your body”, I would think it is a compliment to your teaching. The connection in each temple we all experienced some cleansing over there, without your true knowledge, I do not think it will happen. Thanks a million, Brahmarshi,you are great.

  2. Very beautiful…

  3. Beautiful!