The Veda and Scientific Reasoning

The Veda and Scientific Reasoning by Michael MamasI was asked the following:

Michael, will you please compare and contrast your theories vs ideologies in relation to “the Veda,” and how it applies to scientific reasoning?

To which I respond:

“The Veda” is nature. Scientific reasoning is an approach to study nature. It is obviously a viable approach of great merit. The meaning of the word “reasoning” is the crux of the matter here. How do scientists reason? Where does reasoning come from? What is the mechanics and basis of theorization? Vedic Knowledge includes not only the process of observation to test a theory as in the western scientific approach, but also the study of the essential nature of reasoning and theorization itself. That study culminates in the understanding of cognition. We then find two means of gaining knowledge in both the western and eastern approach… outer observation and inner reasoning/cognition. To understand life and existence is to understand the nature of both approaches.

Thanks very much for your excellent question.

For more reading, here are a couple of links:

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. Awesome clarification.

  2. This blog from Michael Mamas reminds me of a Galileo quote, “All truths are easy to understand once discovered. The point is to discover them.” Wonderful blog…

  3. I do believe that there is a fundamental dimension of knowing that supports both science and spirituality. The difficulty with integrating both the mystical and the logical is that we come up against our limitations in relation to essential intelligence; our ability to be brilliant and synergize what we know and have experienced. Having awareness of both basic knowledge of the natural world and spiritual realization can evolve our understanding of the Totality of the universe. I love that you are working toward this Michael.

  4. Thank you for this clear perspective.
    Both the inner and the outer means of gaining knowledge have their place. I find that when they both lead me in the same direction I feel much more confident.

  5. As always very profound understanding.

  6. Remarkable

  7. Nathan,
    i do enjoy your comments! Integrating “the mystical and the logical” is ultimately an individual level of consciousness that is attained. As has been said, knowledge is structured in consciousness. Once an individual attains that level of consciousness, that level of integration, what one does with it is a matter of personal nature. If it is such an individuals nature to be ‘working toward” helping others attain that level of consciousness, then that individual is a true spiritual teacher.
    Please do continue to submit you comments Nathan. They are inspiring.

  8. wonderful blog!

  9. “Since consciousness includes everything you know, you have nothing with which to contrast it except the absence of consciousness, which is a rare experience.” -Almaas

  10. Nathan,
    Consciousness is not well understood from the outside looking in, though many try and in time, consider themselves to be teachers.

  11. Is the absence of consciousness even possible? I do not think so… I mean, the complete absence.

  12. Oscar,
    You are correct. There is no such thing as absence of consciousness. Perhaps sometime I will write a blog on pure consciousness.