by Michael Mamas | Thursday, June 28, 2012 | Spiritual Evolution, The Gods |
There is one God. Each Deity is the personification of a different aspect of God, as if God puts on a different attire to present another quality of His/Her divine nature. The Gods are the laws of nature, the mechanisms of existence. You are one with all that is, with the source of all existence, with God. Each aspect, each personification, of God is within you.
Generally, your relationship with the Gods starts with viewing God as if outside of yourself. You revere God as distant… as something beyond you. However, your relationship with God culminates in becoming one with God… in finding the Gods within you. This, of course, is not done through the superficial personality level, but instead within the depth of your being. The different Gods then are different aspects of your psyche and of your physiology. Cultivate your relationship with God with the intent of moving in that direction instead of holding God at a distance.
There will be a time when you actually have a choice of taking that final step of mergence with God, or keeping the very slightest separation so that you can revere God as other. However, that is another subject entirely and one that is not possible to really understand until that time comes.
For now, lean in the direction of finding God within you. But know it is a process. It evolves and grows over time, just as it takes time for the seed to become the tree. Patiently sit before each aspect of divinity and explore your relationship with that God or Goddess. In time you will merge. You will find that divinity in you as you… as some aspect of your being, your psyche, your physiology.
This is indeed a subtle process. For example, finding Karthikeya within you will not mean your personality transforms into what you may think a Commander and Chief of the Army of the Gods would be like. How He emerges through you will be unique to you. For example, some will remain soft-spoken and appear meek. Others may be commanding in their demeanor. To find Karthikeya within you will transform you in profound yet subtle ways.
Such discovery is attained primarily through meditation, yet proper reflection and discernment will facilitate the process… very much so.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, June 5, 2012 | The Gods |
I routinely visit Sri Somesvara temple in the early morning. This morning, Lord Shiva appeared in full lotus on the linga as per the picture shown here. I remember the time when, as a youngster, I would have thought this was mere coincidence.
The forms of God are not arbitrary. They are mathematically precise. Vedic knowledge includes the heart and the mind… the art and the science… the music and the mathematics. Please convey this to your children, in words that they will understand.
I am available to help with this. Hopefully, we will offer a course this summer for parents and children to convey the profound depth of Vedic knowledge in terms that modern mentality can comprehend.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion, The Gods |

With my cultural upbringing, the idea of speaking with God seemed too far-fetched for me to accept. That, compounded with the New Age channels and ‘psychics’, left me with a great deal of skepticism.
Yet when I was told by Holy men on several different occasions that I spoke the language of the Gods, I knew what they were talking about. I was confronted by all of this directly when Pandit Prasad told me I should go to the temple every morning and speak with Shiva. Though many astounding confirmations of what He said came forth, I was still uncomfortable talking about it.
This morning when I was doing my mantras at the temple, I could feel Lord Shiva calling me to sit. By now, I know that feeling and knew He has something to say. I sat and he proceeded to clarify the issue as follows.
Super ego is a term from psychology that refers to the inner voices of authority you hear inside your head. It is your mother, father, teacher, role model, etc. speaking. It is the words of those you have taken on as an authority figure. It is riddled with your and their samskaras… their limited thinking… their conditioning… their distortions. Now that is not to say that you should not listen to the wisdom and guidance they offer, but that is another topic.
The point here is that if you remove the samskaras as per Vasistha’s discourses in the Yoga Vasistha, then what the super ego becomes is the word of God. It is only our stresses and strains, i.e. our conditioned and limited thinking that prevents us from hearing God’s words clearly.
The Gods do not speak in our worldly language. They speak directly to your soul as sublime inner knowings within your soul. When your inner knowings cease to be colored by the surface of your life, and instead become expressions of the Divinity within, you understand the language of the Gods, and they will speak to you. This is on Their terms, not the terms of your small self.
To hear the Gods speak, to know the language of the Gods, the small self must cease to be. It must become only a virtual image projected upon the field of maya, there only in order to interface with the world of maya.
When your super ego becomes your Super Ego, you can speak to the Gods.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, May 17, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion, Spiritual Evolution |
I was asked the following question:
I was in Deep thought the other day and I couldn’t get the words of Maharishi Raman out of my head. “The ideas of purpose and responsibility are purely social in nature and are created by mind to exhort Ego. God is above all such ideas. If God is immanent in all and there is no one except him, who is responsible for whom? Creation is expression of inherent laws in the source of creation.” This just kept bring up the question, “Am I really in control of my own life? Or am I a mere puppet to be played with?”
To which I respond:
There is only karma and dharma. Both can be considered the will of God.
Karma is simple action of cause and effect… you have no free will in that arena.
Dharma is action in harmony with your nature… your true will, which is one with God. Freedom.
Dharma means action in accord with Nature. Your true nature is one with Mother Nature. Though rules of dharma exist and do have a valuable purpose, your true dharma cannot be imposed upon you. It must be discovered within you as you progress along the path of evolution.
You cannot just decide to be free… that can still be karmic. Just because you think you are free or you feel free, does not mean you are free. Most lives are more karmic than dharmic. Most people have less freedom than they think.
As you evolve, you live more dharmicly and less karmicly. The spiritual path is the path of evolution, is the path to freedom. It leads to a life lived in Oneness with God… free and unbounded.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion, The Gods |
Today is the one-year anniversary of our Sri Somesvara Temple at Mount Soma. We will be at the temple throughout the day. Yesterday we had a beautiful Hanuman puja. Hanuman is devotion. I had intended to write about devotion… what it is… how it consumes ones life. I did speak about this at the temple. It was very moving for me to do so.
Somehow, I am having a hard time bringing myself to write about it. The feelings run too deep. It is too intimate. Some things are best whispered at only the just right moment.
It is beautiful here at Mount Soma. We are creating a field of harmony, which will radiate peace and coherence to the world. Liberation means freedom from conditioning. It means flowing with the stream of your own Divinity. It means flowing with the Cosmic Flow that permeates and feeds all of life. That means finding God within you. This is the deepest meaning of devotion. Total surrender to your true nature… to God. Emancipation. A life of devotion.
But how can this be conveyed? Devotion on that level is not an emotion… not an attitude… not something done to gain anything… not done to gain even enlightenment. It, in fact, only comes after enlightenment. It can be compared to nothing worldly.
Where do you see such devotion? It is rarely ever seen. When it is seen, it is not understood… not comprehended… not believed.
In this age of ignorance called Kali Yuga, life lived in “devotion” often seems to be devotion to making money. There, one may tirelessly effort without reservation. One may continually burn the midnight oil with pride and conviction, willingly depleting the life blood in pursuit of that… one pointedly focused and committed.
Imagine a life of such devotion, multiplied to infinity in purity and commitment, to the Divine flow that feeds and supports all the world… all that is. Who can even imagine that? Who can perceive that, even after they see it… who can believe it? Every breath, every moment… lived in full devotion. Not just an emotion or attitude, but a life lived fully.
Many aspire to enlightenment. Why? What do you reach for? What do you want? Is it about you as a human being? Or is it about you as a Divine Being? And what does that mean to you? Devotion is not an emotion. It lies much, much deeper. Though it permeates thoughts and emotions, it lies infinitely deeper. Devotion to God is union with God is enlightenment is Hanuman.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.