A Most Remarkable Day

A Most Remarkable Day - Michael Mamas BlogYesterday, we began temple roof repairs at Mount Soma. How can one communicate the wonders of that day? Is it even possible? To put it in words would be easy enough. To understand those words would be simple. Yet the wonder is not in the words. The wonder is in the experience. It is one thing to grasp a concept intellectually and think, “Oh, ok, I understand that”, and then to pack it away as just another perspective or notion. It is quite another to find it within yourself through direct experience and know from deep within your own being that it is true… It is real… It actually happened.

All Vedic Knowledge is like that. You can study it a good deal, appreciate it, find it fascinating, and even perhaps at some point decide you are an expert in that Knowledge. However, a time comes when it all clicks deep within you. It all comes together so perfectly that you realize it is true. It is real. It is not just a philosophy. It is the nature of existence. I guess it is similar in that way to studying math.  At first it may not make sense. It may even seem impossible. But in time, it resonates with the depth of your being. You know it is true. It is not based upon faith. It is knowledge that you have. Then, even though you have not added every possible combination of numbers, you know the truth that the principles embody. Those principles are not just philosophy. They are valid. They are true.

All sorts of beings, Devas, Ganas, Asuras, etc., revolve around and worship Lord Shiva. He is the embodiment of the Transcendent – the source and convergence point of all that is. Similarly, the idea of black holes in outer space suggests a point around which all things revolve. It is a point of infinite power. Not even time can escape it. There is an event horizon around it where things break down, similar to the band of underworld beings that revolve around and are devoted to Lord Shiva. To hear the story as myth is a far cry from understanding that it is the personified aspect of the physics of reality. But how can that be conveyed with words?

To repair the temple roof, the Kalash on top must be removed. The Kalash is like an antenna. It connects the temple to the cosmos. It holds and brings forth the energy of the Gods. Before it can be removed, that energy must be stored. After the Kalash is returned to its rightful place, that energy must be returned. To say it concisely, yesterday was the day those energies were collected and stored appropriately.

BhairavaThe entire pantheon of Gods is disturbed when an event such as removing a Kalash from a Vedic Temple occurs. They all become upset. Even Lord Vishnu takes great notice and His presence overtakes the sky. That energy of upset is so great that only three things can hold it… namely, fire, rice, and a cow. Yesterday, at the top of the stairs to the temple, a bust of Bhairava, a fierce form of Shiva, was created out of rice. Surabhi (our cow) and a fire were also present. Then, with threads in place to carry the energy from each murti to the appropriate station on an altar, a rope was attached from the tail of Surabhi to the Kalash. She made the initial movement of removing the Kalash. A cow’s strength is the only strength sufficient to carry the powerful disturbance from all those diverse beings around Lord Shiva.

This is a short description of yesterday’s events. However, to actually be there and witness those events is beyond description. To experience the power of those moments is to know the truth of their underlying reality. It was truly a remarkable day.

The repairs will be done around Thanksgiving. We will post the exact dates when they are confirmed. The Kalash will be replaced and the temple will be reopened. I encourage everyone to attend the events of that day if it is at all practical.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Truth about “Freedom from Desire”

Many spiritual texts claim that the enlightened have no desire. They even cite examples of enlightened individuals who have to be force fed because they have no desire for food. They have to be tended to carefully because otherwise they may wander off into the jungle or be indifferent to worms boring holes through their legs. You may wonder if that is really true and if so, what is actually going on there. Let’s take a look at the mechanics involved.

The human nervous system has evolved sufficiently to hold within its awareness the full spectrum of the grandeur of existence, including direct awareness of that one thing that is the source of all things, pure Consciousness, pure Is-ness, the Transcendent, the unified field of physics. That level is the essence of everything, the source of everything. It cannot desire anything because it already is that thing.

However, full enlightenment is an integrated state, where the individual can function in harmony with all levels of existence. Harmony on the physical level certainly includes tending to and caring for the physical body.

In the state of full enlightenment, a person is then awake to that level of their being that is free of desire, while simultaneously functioning in the world of desire, the world of wanting. So even while it is true that an enlightened individual is free from desire on the deepest level of their being, they simultaneously have desires on more superficial levels.

Freedom from Desire | Dr. Michael Mamas Vedic Knowledge Blog

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Subtle Nature of Knowledge

The Subtle Nature of Knowledge - Dr. Michael MamasConsider the following two verses from the Vedas:

  1. To the enlightened Brahmin all the Vedas are of no more use than is a small well in a place flooded with water on every side.
    Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 46
  2. Richo akshare parame vyoman yasmin deva adhi vishve nisheduh,
    Yastanna veda kim richa karishyatiya it tad vidus ta ime samasate.
    Rig Veda, 1.164.39

This essentially means that the knowledge of life (Vedic Knowledge) is rooted in awareness of the Transcendental level of life. It then points out that without awareness of that level, the meaning of Vedic literature slips through one’s fingers. It asks the question, “If a person is not established in the Transcendental level of life, what use are the verses of the Veda to him?”

In the first verse, Lord Krishna points out that the Veda is not so useful to a person who is already awake to the depth of their being. In the second verse, it is pointed out that if a person isn’t awake to that deepest level of their being, they cannot understand the Veda.

It is commonly thought that a knower of Veda is someone who has memorized the verses. Are they really a knower of Veda if their being has not awoken to that level?

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Nine Days of Mother Divine Update

Mother DivineThese days at Mount Soma have been wonderful. The feeling of Mother Divine’s presence is exquisite. The fall colors and lovely October sky add to these magical days. Today we have the Durgasapthashati (Chandi) Havan at Mount Soma. It starts at 11:45 local time and lasts about five hours. It is extremely powerful and it all makes for one of my favorite days of the year!

Please visit my latest article just posted on Linkedin by clicking here:
“To Solve Problems, Start With ‘Being'”.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Chattanooga Talk

I recently spoke with a wonderful group from Chattanooga. Here is the first part of the discussion. Parts 2 & 3 can be found on my YouTube Channel


© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.