by Michael Mamas | Thursday, July 17, 2014 | Vedic Technology |

You know it was a good day when at the end of the day your cheeks are sore from smiling so much. Yesterday, July 16 being 45 days since the Hanuman statue installation, was the Mandalabhishekam.
There was something special about the day from the very beginning. The feeling in the air reminded me of those days, decades ago, when my teacher, Maharshi, was somewhere, anywhere, in the area. Everything was permeated with His being, with the Divine. There was a sweet, yet profound sense of crystal clarity within everything. One could say that every day at Mount Soma feels that way, but yesterday that feeling was particularly tangible.
Proceedings started with a Ganesh Puja in the temple. Then a Hanuman Havan and Kalash Puja, followed by the Nagadevata Abhishekam and Puja, and concluding with the Hanuman Abhishekam and Puja. Concurrent with all of this is the summer meditation retreat.
To describe the feeling as joyous would be, for me, an understatement. The celebrations here are ever-increasingly powerful and profound as our community continues to grow and prosper.
We are all very blessed.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, July 13, 2014 | Clarifying Confusion |
I received the following lovely note (… paraphrased):
Dear Maharishi,
My husband and I just want to let you know, we feel sad because we did not reach out to you on Guru Purnima. We just want to let you know we are always thinking of you.
To which I respond:
No problem at all.
With all the activity and events this year, I decided to make Guru Purnima a very inward and quiet event. It was sublime.
We did a Guru havan in the morning with the Sarvadevata Havan after a morning talk. After the havan I was surprised with a very sweet offering and some lovely words.
Everyone was on their own at night… Walking in the moonlight, sitting, talking amongst themselves, reflecting…Malkosh played at midnight… echoing softly through the mountains… Beautiful.
The entire day was lovely, but for me, most sublime was sitting in my back yard by myself at around 2 or 3 AM in the full moonlight… not a sound… It has been a wonderful year…
Jai Guru Dev
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, July 9, 2014 | Clarifying Confusion, Vedic Arts |
I was asked the following:
Is it good for us to know our future (by means of Jyotish shastra) horoscope? If yes, what is the point in knowing the future when everything is pre-determined by Karma. Won’t an Individual be upset if astrology predicts he will not live after a certain period (in near future).
To which I respond:
Jyotish is a map of your karma. At the depth of your being (the level of the Transcendent, the Divine) you are beyond karma. When you act from that level, you are infinitely free. Yet jyotish does always give a forecast of the upcoming ‘weather’ on the surface of life. For example, it is good to know if it is going to rain, so you can carry an umbrella. Fight your karma with everything you have! The best way to fight it is to evolve. Proper meditation is the most powerful tool. Learn the Surya Meditation on this website and then learn the Surya Ram meditation. It is the best.
Karma will certainly play out, but it can be taken to a different level. For example, karma may be that an accident will occur, but as you evolve, the accident will (instead of being major) be something as simple as stubbing your toe. Of course, visiting the temple, havans, pujas, etc. help with this. The question of free will versus predetermination is something I discuss in length in my lectures and writings.
Generally speaking, Westerners think they have more free will than they do. Easterners think they have less free will than they do. As you evolve, you come to know that you and God are one. At that point, your will and God’s will are one. Then there is no question of free will versus predetermination. God’s will comes in two forms: 1) the laws of karma governing this world of God’s creation and 2) infinite freedom. So, for the enlightened, free will and predetermination are the same thing. There is no difference.
In the state of enlightenment, you have no karma. However, you have entered the world of karma, generally out of compassion for the world. What is perceived to be your karma, is the world’s karma revolving around you and your life… much as the planets revolve around the sun.
One final point: Many think of karma as something outside of themselves that affects them. That is not the complete truth. Most of your karma is between your ears and in your heart. Most of your karma comes in the form of what you think and how you feel. Thusly, you create your own world.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Monday, July 7, 2014 | Announcements |
Starting today July 7, 2014, we have four pandits doing pradakshina [going from one temple to the next] to the eight sacred Ashtavinayaka Ganesh temples in India. They will be doing pujas and havans at each temple. It will be a lovely wave of harmony and prosperity for the world. You can read about the temples HERE:

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, July 6, 2014 | Announcements |
I was very impressed and moved by Sri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma. He is an incredibly kind, warm-hearted, and sincere man of great knowledge. Barbara and Lakshmi wrote the following:
Sri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma visited Mount Soma recently. He is very well known and respected. For those of you who are not familiar with him, some information is HERE:
Upon sitting and talking with Maharshi and hearing of Maharshi’s vision and message, he invited Maharshi to join him on a speaking tour in South India, which Maharshi immediately accepted. He also wants to stay longer at Mount Soma and suggested bringing a group of his students to Mount Soma to stay for a retreat. He said he would start mobilizing groups of people to start meeting and staying at Mount Soma.
He was very impressed with Maharshi’s knowledge and ability to communicate it. He and Maharshi obviously felt a strong connection.
He was also impressed with Sri Somesvara Temple. He said the energy of the Shiva Linga is very powerful. It reminded him of the red granite at the Balaji Temple in Tirupathi. He also remarked on the power of Sri Hanuman.
Sri Sarmaji commented on the wonderful combination of Maharshi and Pandit Prasad. He appreciated the teamwork of Maharshi’s ashram and students, and their dedication to their Guru and God, as well as Lakshmi (Panditji’s wife) and how she supports Mount Soma.
Sri Sarmaji loved the mountains and enjoyed nature’s beauty. He said he would like to stay for some time at Mount Soma to do sadhana.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.