by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, July 16, 2013 | Spiritual Evolution, Vedic Technology |
Spiritual Knowledge… real spiritual knowledge is so profoundly subtle. It is what I teach. When I look at the world, even the current court case in the news and see how people think, how they react, how they behave… and what forms their opinions… It brings me face to face with what I am up against.
How can something so sublime as deep spiritual knowledge be conveyed to a world of such fractious emotionality and irrationality of thought? Yet that is the task at hand. I see no way to resolve the world’s challenges other than to face that one supreme challenge head on. Yet we have a great technology available to us… Vedic technology. Furthermore, we have the very nature of life itself… the natural tendency for separation to merge back into wholeness… oneness… Unity and Harmony.
Regardless of the degree of the challenge, there is nothing else to do. There is only to face the wind head on and move in the direction of the Divine that dwells deep within us all.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, June 9, 2013 | Clarifying Confusion, Spiritual Evolution |
I was asked about Rakshasas and how they feel threatened by the rise of the Deva, Divinity value… to which I respond:
Divinity is the perfection out of which worldly existence is born. Beings in the world lose themselves to limited thinking… samskaras, conditioning. This is the Rakshasa value. In Kali Yuga, that value permeates the hearts and minds of human beings. When those Rakshasa values are threatened, they feel threatened… they fight back.
The path of evolution is to stay with Divinity, to not get caught up in the Rakshasa value. Meditation is the most powerful tool to do so. Also, discernment is required to act wisely in life. Truth is more elusive than you may believe. Echoes of Truth, perceived as Truth, hold Truth at bay for lifetimes. The Rakshasas uphold what they believe to be Truth. Ignore-ance ignores Truth and clings to samskaras, in the name of what it perceives as Truth. See?
A great healer once said, “I do not deal with disease, I deal with health.” Healing means bringing forth health, not stamping out disease. We bring forth light. We do not try to stamp out darkness. We do not worry ourselves with the darkness. We stay with the light.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, May 30, 2013 | Clarifying Confusion, Spiritual Evolution, The Gods |
I was asked the following question:
My son, who is 16, and I were discussing some of your articles about The Big Bang and levels of consciousness. He said to me, “I understand that God is pure consciousness, pure energy, but where did that “energy come from? How was God created?” How would you respond to that question?
To which I respond:
Firstly, IS-NESS = CONSCIOUSNESS. That is something to reflect on… for many years actually.
Because it is the nature of consciousness to be conscious, it becomes in the beginning conscious of the only thing that is… namely itself. Perceiving itself, then, as ‘other’, duality is born and cascades out like a crystal of self interaction to create the full range of multiplicity.
Secondly, there is, strictly speaking, no such thing as energy. However, the structures created in consciousness are fascinating… appealing, alluring…. by their very nature. That compels consciousness to move, so to speak, or at least appear to move. This is called the force of maya. Maya means illusion. Energy (Shakti, the feminine principle) is a quality of illusion, like the movement in a dream is really just part of the dream. The dream is really only happening within consciousness (Shiva). This is why it is said that without Shakti, Shiva is powerless. It is all just the play of consciousness. Yet the power of the illusion is a vast source of infinite energy.
The world is a dream. People become so overwhelmed by the allure of the dream that they forget their true nature. They are lost in the dream. But to free yourself from the dream, you must work through the dream. The dragon of the dream cannot be slain with a real sword. It requires the sword of the dream. To intellectually know this is an illusion is not to see past the illusion. It is a good first step to intellectual know about.
All too often, when people know all about spirituality, they believe they ‘get it.’ I call that the ‘I get it syndrome.’ I work with people to move them through and out of the ‘I get it syndrome’. There are a great deal of levels of clinging to ones current level of identity with the illusion all along the way. Every level along the way is a new level of consciousness… infinite in number.
Knowledge is structured in consciousness. People think of facts as knowledge. But the same fact has an infinite number of levels of understanding depending upon the individual’s level of consciousness.
Sometimes people feel dejected to think that this world is maya… illusion. But that is not correct thinking. This world is grand. It is beautiful. It is pregnant with meaning. It is to be loved. The trick is to “have the boat in the water, but no water in the boat.” Live in the illusion, but do not lose your Self to it. You are one with the source of all that is. Your domain is the universe.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, May 22, 2013 | Clarifying Confusion, Spiritual Evolution |
Truth is found only in the depth of your being. Collectors of knowledge, Vedic or otherwise, will only have real Knowledge when they find it within themselves.
You are educated only when you have awoken to the place within that lies beyond the grasp of theories and philosophies. ‘Knowing all about’ is a good beginning all too often mistaken for the goal.
Seek true Knowledge.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Friday, March 15, 2013 | Announcements |
Sri Someswara Temple Celebrates Mahashivrathri
Airing on TV Asia Community Roundup program on March 17th at 10:30pm (ET) and repeated for West Coast viewers at 11:30pm (PT). This program will also be repeated on March 18th at 7:30pm (ET).
If you get the TV Asia channel, be sure to watch!
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.