by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, December 25, 2012 | Vedic Technology |
The Bhagavad Gita is like a small cup that holds the seed of all knowledge.
The day before yesterday at the temple during Vykuntha Ekadasi, Pandit Prasad chanted one verse from the Gita containing the essence of that seed.
We offer the world Mount Soma… a place where one can come with no knowledge of that essence and leave a day later having awakened to it.
Once that essence is awakened, enlightenment is not so far away.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, November 18, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion |
“You are more me than I am me.”
To understand anything is to understand everything. Upon awakening to the depth of your being, you awaken to the depth of all beings… of all that is.
Imagine a reed swaying in the wind. The root is grounded in Truth… in Mother Earth. The reed sways in the winds of karma. The enlightened do not look to the winds for Truth. The winds are known to be merely the playground of life. Such a life is a life of Freedom. Looking to the winds for Truth is a life of bondage. To act in the domain of the winds of karma while not losing your connection to the Mother is called dharma. Such action is poetry.
The true teachers play in the winds of a karma serves as the guide to Truth. It works better and better as the student sees more and more the beauty within the movement of such a life. Do not ask the teacher to provide Truth. Truth is only found within you… through you. The teacher embodies Truth and thereby points the way toward Truth for those willing to listen, to watch, and to learn.
Truth lies just beyond the horizon of the winds of karma… untouched and untamed by those winds.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Saturday, October 20, 2012 | The Gods |
Every aspect of the One, every God, acts as a mirror, reflecting back to you the nature of your relationship with a particular aspect of yourself. Through exploration of those relationships, you are afforded the opportunity to heal the psyche and to grow as an individual… to evolve. This is so for the full range of human possibilities… from the atheist to the sage.
God may remain a silent witness, yet whoever you are, your relationship with God plays out as a dynamic inner testament of your relationship with yourself and your world… not only your dharma, but also your karma.
Everyone strives for stable ground in one form or another, yet everything changes, including your understanding of Self, the world, and the Gods.
Your life, quite simply, is your journey Home. The only constant is the silence witness… the ocean of Being… the True Self… the One.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, October 18, 2012 | Vedic Technology |
The atmosphere here at Mount Soma is alive with the energy of Mother Divine. It is wonderful to be with everyone here.
I am happy.
P.S. I am adding to this blog after going up to the temple this morning as is my routine. The alter that Pandit and Lakshmi created is amazing. The shakti energy radiating from it is truly fantastic. It reminds me of what it felt like to sit with my Maharshi.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, September 23, 2012 | Vedic Technology |
It was over 30 years ago that I first learned about the concept of a global “harmony generator.”
Before Thomas Edison, no one imagined that a little bulb could light up an entire room. A harmony generator is similar (though functioning on a much deeper level than a light bulb) in that it radiates peace and harmony to the world.
Also similar to the light bulb, people have a hard time believing it is possible until after it is built. To me, the logic is there. It is self-evident. We can build it. The technology is there in the Shastras already. It is the plans for an enlightened city. Just as there are design plans for a cell phone, there are design plans for an enlightened city that will radiate a profoundly powerful influence to the entire world. It is not enough to build a few temples, some housing, and an assembly hall. Everything must be designed and located precisely. Similarly, a cell phone, is more than a handful of arbitrarily placed electrical components. The science is exact and detailed.
Sounds like a miracle. Well, yes, but so did a camera, antibiotics, a computer, an automobile, an airplane, etc. until someone stepped forward and built one. The good news is that construction is well over half done. If we could raise $15 million, we could have it completed in less than two years.
I know. I know. It is too incredible to believe. Well, again, so was the light bulb until someone made it.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.