by Michael Mamas | Thursday, June 30, 2011 | Clarifying Confusion, Vedic Technology |
There are different types of mantras.
Mantras referred to as ‘Vedic Mantras’ can be fine to listen to but they should only be chanted by priests.
I know that a number of you have been given Vedic mantras (which is fine) but I have come to learn that a number of you are chanting them. If you even suspect that you are in that category, please submit your mantras to be reviewed.
If Pandit Prasad gave you a mantra and you are using it as directed by him, there is no need for review unless you are unsure of how to use or pronounce it. Ram or TM meditation mantras also do not need to be reviewed.
ANY OTHER MANTRA should be reviewed regardless of who gave it to you or whether or not I have ‘charged’ it for you. Just because I have charged it, does not necessarily mean you are using it properly. The Maha Mitrunjaya Mantra is one example of a Vedic Mantra.
We will be offering this service until July 15 after which time all submissions will be reviewed. PLEASE take advantage of this opportunity.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, June 26, 2011 | Announcements |
We want to be sure that everyone is using mantras properly. For a limited time, we are offering to review mantras. If you are using any mantras other than Ram (or a TM meditation mantra), we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.
We will review your mantras and make any appropriate changes. If the mantra is indeed right for you, you will receive an mp3 file of the mantra chanted by Pandit Prasad. If appropriate, an alternative mantra will be given.
The charge for each mantra reviewed is $51.00. This offer will not be ongoing.
To have your mantras reviewed by Brahmarshi and Pundit Prasad, please CLICK HERE.
You will be asked to:
- Write out the mantra in full (in English)
- Tell us how you are using the mantra (ie. chanting it, listening to it, using for meditation)
- Tell us who gave you the mantra
- Give 1-2 sentences of why you were given the mantra
- Provide your birth date, time, and place
Place Your Order
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Monday, May 30, 2011 | Clarifying Confusion |
I received the following email…
I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India). I came to know about your global spiritual enrichment seva (service) through an english daily (The Indian Express).
I am really elated to hear and see a great spiritual endeavor being taken up by you Americans. At the same time I would like to emphasis the fact that many in our country (young aged people) really do not understand the value of our religion and the eternal Vedas.
The main reason behind this is that due to modernization many of the BRAHMINS have withered away from their foremost duty of reciting Vedas and making it their life, including me. Many of them are software engineers and working for American projects.
Let your initiative bring the glory back which is intangible (Realized only by those who really deserve it) and show these Indians the true value of Vedas.
I will pray to the lord for your worldly spiritual cause to succeed in an eternal way.
To which I responded:
Kind Sir,
Your message has touched my heart.
I am very grateful for your support. I am fully dedicated to bringing about cultural integrity for India, the land of the Veda.
What you say is quite correct. Not only does the world not understand the exquisite jewel that India is, even many of the youth of India do not. It is my intention to change that.
I believe I was born, this lifetime, as an American for a reason. I know well the modality of modern and scientific thought. This is the language the world, including India, has learned to speak and believe in.
By speaking in the terms of their language, I can guide those people to see beyond the limits of that language, while not turning their back on what it does have to offer.
This is indeed Kali Yuga. Together, may we bring about an Age of Sat Yuga in it’s midst.
Jai Shiva Shankara,
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, May 26, 2011 | Announcements |
During the Kumbhabhishekam celebration I was surprised and greatly humbled to be given the title of Brahmarshi (alternate spelling “Brahmarishi)”.
I had no idea this was going to happen until I was informed only a couple of days prior. I have respect beyond words for the priests and pandits of India who have given this to me. I will do my utmost to uphold the Vedic Holy Tradition.
A Rishi is a seer…. one who sees the truth of life, the foundation of existence and the mechanics of its manifestation in life.
A Maharishi is a great seer… one with the gift of being able to reveal that knowledge to others. This of course transcends simple intellectual understanding. It is to cultivate a physiology that embodies the Knowledge.
A Brahmarishi is a Maharishi who furthermore has a Brahman nervous system, i.e. a physiology the nature of which is to be with the Knowledge of Veda. I am humbled.
The full title I was given is Brahmarshi Maheshananda. I will only use that on formal occasions. Mahesh is a name of Lord Shiva. Ananda means bliss. The Maheshananda means bliss of Lord Shiva, or one who is loved by Shiva. I am speechless and, again, deeply humbled.
I am a simple man. I never had any aspiration for titles or recognition. My sole purpose has been to help people… to give Knowledge to others, to purify in the tradition of Adi Shankara current understanding of eternal wisdom. It is out of deep respect for the tradition that I humbly embrace the title.
All here at Mount Soma are slowly getting accustomed to addressing me as Brahmarshi. I can assure you that it is more of an adjustment for me than anyone else.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, May 19, 2011 | Clarifying Confusion, Vedic Science |

Two Boxes or Three?
Imagine a giant diamond… so large that you can put your whole face against each facet and look inside to see the entire diamond from within.
Such a view through each facet gives a unique perspective on the same one diamond.
Through each facet, the entire diamond is seen in terms of that facet. It is all about the view in terms of that facet. That facet is everything. Nothing is greater than that angle of perception.
This explains why devotees of one God or another see their God as the only truth and greatest God. And they are correct.
Simultaneously valid, yet contradictory realities, is the structure of the universe.
This is why each Purana states that that deity is the greatest and the source of all the others. They are all right.
They only appear to contradict.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.