by Michael Mamas | Saturday, February 26, 2011 | Spiritual Evolution, The Gods |

Divinity, when viewed through the eyes of conditioned beliefs, is depicted as Kali, the terrible one.
Truth destroys what limited thinking clings to.
The quote below says it nicely.
“The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.” – Herbert Agar
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, February 17, 2011 | Announcements, Spiritual Evolution |
Things are quite busy at Mount Soma these days as we prepare for the Somanath USA Temple inauguration that will take place May 12-16. It is a lot of fun to experience the increase in activity as Mount Soma blossoms into an ever increasingly dynamic community.
Next week we will post a blog with details about what will be happening during the inauguration. I hope you enjoy it and I very much hope to see you at the inauguration.
This actually brings up a pattern that I have been intrigued by lately. A number of times I have given my viewpoint to individuals on things that are going on in their life. Admittedly, at times I felt like I was being too pushy with my opinion. However, I felt so strongly about it that I could not just let it go and watch them continue in a direction that I was sure they would regret.
What amazes me is that, after things did go awry, they would come back to me and say, “I wish you warned me.” When I would tell them that I felt I was actually overly imposing with my warnings, they were astonished. They genuinely did not hear it, saying, “I wish you said it more forcefully.”
Now I would think that perhaps the problem was that I had a problem speaking my mind. However, those of you that know me are well aware that this is not the case.
Also, on a number of occasions, others spoke with them with similar warnings that were not heard. This speaks to a dynamic of the mind. It relates to the concept of satiation and momentum that I will be talking/writing about more in the future. For now, know that there is a momentum to mentality. It is like a steamroller that guides your life. Getting off the steamroller is essential to a healthy life. It is essential to evolution. Yet it is not so easy to do or see. We will be working with this more in the future.
For now, I just need to say: Do not miss the temple inauguration. It is an extremely rare event. It is not only the inauguration of a Shiva Temple, which is, in and of itself, a tremendously significant and powerful event. It is the inauguration of “a perfect Guru Shala” – a rare, precious, and powerful event in the history of time. More on that in next week’s blog about the inauguration.
If you miss the inauguration, I sincerely believe the time will come when you regret it. That is the time you may say to me, “I wish you recommended it more strongly.”
So please take note. I am strongly recommending that you do everything you can to attend. This comes straight from my heart.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, January 4, 2011 | Spiritual Evolution, The Gods |
Black holes in outer space are likened to Lord Shiva… one maps onto the other. They are both unmanifest and infinite. There is a perimeter around black holes where things are destroyed and thrown off.
Similarly, identities are destroyed as one approaches the Transcendent—Lord Shiva. There are legends about arms, legs, and torsos being cast off as demons approach Lord Shiva. A battle rages.
From the outside looking in, that can be perceived as negativity. But we do not mind. We understand the process, we understand the mechanic, we understand negativity for what it is.
Within you, there is a periphery around the Absolute. It exists predominantly within the personality level—emotional, mental, etc. As you evolve, the Absolute will throw off your impurities.
To enter the Absolute, you must let them go or be thrown off with them. As you experience this process within yourself and as you observe it in others, understand it for what it is.
The facilitation of human evolution is a subtle art. As time passes, you develop a feel for this process. It goes through stages… brief stages superimposed upon longer ones. These stages can last for hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
You cycle from times when you feel confused, to times when you think you have it all figured out… From times when you love the process, to times when you find it unbearable… From times of positivity to times of negativity… From times of peace, to times of despair, etc.
The first few times around the block, you may feel like you are going around in circles. Yet if you stay on the evolutionary path, in time, you realize it is not a circle.
It is a spiral leading upward to the Highest Heaven.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, November 4, 2010 | Vedic Arts, Vedic Technology |
The arrival of the shilpis (granite workers from India) has brought a myriad of lively experiences to Mount Soma.
The aroma of Indian food wafting from their kitchen, the sound of their chants as they, like in ancient times, move huge pieces of granite by hand and lever, and hearing the tink tink of chiseling granite and the whirring of the stone cutter all permeate the cool Autumn air.
The shilpis warm and jovial hearts accent our days with play and happiness. Excursions to Walmart and the mall are delightful adventures as they charm everyone from the cashiers to other customers with their sweetness.
In the last week, Mount Soma residents have been present for numerous auspicious ceremonies, including the temple groundbreaking puja, raising the columns, putting the top on the archway, etc. Every day seems to contain another auspicious and exciting moment!
Evenings have been transformed with Ganesh’s (the engineering professor who runs a non-profit to help build temples) presentations about temple development and S.K. (the head sthapati (architect) for the temple) talking about Vastu architecture principles, their origin in the Vedas and how they map onto the human body, map onto the human experience, and parallel the Mayan architecture.
With so much being accomplished, including the progress on the Student Union Building and the enthusiasm from visitors and our Indian guests, it feels like a long anticipated wave is carrying us forward.
This is all just a taste of what is to come at Mount Soma—an educational, cultural, economic and spiritual bridge, unifying all of mankind.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, October 28, 2010 | Vedic Technology |

Fifth Brick Being Placed
In an awe inspiring ceremony, replete with flowers, fragrance and prasad, the sthapatis and shilpis (Vedic architects and artisans), prepared for the installation of the magnificent carved granite pedestals, pillars, Shiva Linga, and yoni of the Inner Sanctum.
The nine gems, the five metals and the five auspiciously marked bricks were placed in the northeast corner foundation of the Sanctum with all the appropriate Vedic rites.
The significance of the moment was palpable. According to the Shastras, all in attendance were many times blessed beyond words. The entire day at Mount Soma thrilled with that feeling.
As the days pass by, we are all increasingly grateful for what is happening here.
As Mount Soma progresses, powerful and historic moments arise, as if from out of thin air, permeating everything with waves of bliss, harmony and love .
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.