The Essential Point

There is an underlying essence shared by everything and everyone, without exception. It is the seed, the blueprint, the ‘bottom line’ of who and what you are. It is the fountainhead of your own true nature.  It is that level of life where you are one with and in harmony with the basis of all existence.

Of all the knowledge, beauty, and fascination offered through Vedic knowledge, the essential point is this:

The technology exists to awaken every individual to that sublime level of life. The technology includes proper meditation, transgradient counseling, and unified field generator (Vedic Temple) implementation. These technologies are subtle and elusive.  It is the purpose of Mount Soma to bring these technologies forth in their purity. Vedic Knowledge promises that these technologies can purify stresses and strains from individual human awareness and from our world. We are dedicated to offering the fruits of that knowledge to all humanity.

Learn the meditation free of charge. Also, visit Mount Soma, attend classes, go to free lectures, and just spend time here where these technologies are being implemented.

Sri Somesvara Temple

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Veda Lila

Lila means play. Back in the 1980s while we were in India, friends of mine in the ashram made the following Veda Lila video. The Veda is an unbounded field, an unbounded ocean of pure consciousness interacting with itself. The Veda is nature. It is the underlying basis of all existence. To know the Veda is to know the true nature of life and existence. It is like the seed that births the entire tree.

Consciousness, the Knower, Rishi, becomes conscious of itself and perceives itself as other, the Known Chhandas. The process is of Knower becoming aware of Known is called Devata. So those three things are born: Rishi, Devata, and Chhandas. Those three things taken together are called the wholeness or Samhita value. This process goes on and on creating the play of the Veda, Veda Lila. One becomes three and goes on within and to infinity.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Divine Forms

Divine Forms by Michael MamasThere are shapes that are inherent to the structure of the Veda (i.e., the structure of the unified field, the foundation of existence). Those shapes are inherent in nature. They are no more arbitrary than all the other laws of physics. They are as mathematically precise as the musical scales, but they are as heartfelt and free-flowing as music itself. Those shapes can be seen welling up through nature in many ways. The shapes emerging from the Golden Triangle are one example: the five petals of a flower, five branches emerging from a snowflake, etc. Also, the sagittal cross-section of the human brain in the shape of a leaf. Those forms and images are not arbitrary. They are woven into the fabric of creation just as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are woven into arithmetic.

Each of those forms (structures, laws of nature) has a particular name unique to it. For example, Shiva, Ganesh, Parvathi. Like the branches of a snowflake, each main branch has many offshoots: the thousand names of Shiva or Ganesh, etc.

Viewing those forms as images on the physical level of life awakens the deeper levels of your being to what lies within as your essence. Similarly, each form has sounds that correspond to that form. Listening to those sounds (mantras, etc.) also awakens you to your essence.

It is all very beautiful.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Lord Shiva’s Drum

Lord Shiva's DrumI was planning to write something very simple about how Lord Shiva’s drum is shaped like two triangles (an upward pointing one as Shiva, the linga, and a downward pointing one as Parvati, the yoni). The drum in that form represents the unmanifest. When Lord Shiva plays his drum the two triangles (Shiva and Shakti) come together and overlap forming the six pointed star representing manifest existence, the universe.

However, the more I think about it the more beautiful it becomes. The geometry goes on and on, forming the Shri Yantra by superimposition; forming all yantras and forms, like circles by spinning, etc. The mathematics of the six-pointed star alone is a vast, abstract algebraic equation – abstract algebra being the mathematics underlying all existence.

I remember as a child around age 7, my family watched a Walt Disney episode that displayed the wonders of the five-pointed star. I was mesmerized. The ancient Greek Pythagoreans drew that star on their palms. Simple geometric forms are fundamental to existence, the mathematics of which is the mathematics of the unified field, the underlying basis of existence. Yantras are mathematic computer chips that enliven the foundation of existence within the cosmic computer of human awareness.

The structure in yantras resonates with the structure in gemstones. Everything is born through the play of the two triangles of Lord Shiva’s drum.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How Old is the Veda?

This is a surprisingly often misunderstood point. Even scholars assign dates to different aspects of the Veda. To ask how old the Veda is would be the same as asking how old nature is. The Veda is nature. It is eternal. The dates given to different aspects of the Veda are only historical records of when it was first recognized. I say recognized instead of cognized because the Veda was cognized far earlier than recorded history recognized it. The Veda is not a book or chant someone made up. The Veda is nature.

How Old is the Veda?

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.