by Michael Mamas | Friday, November 25, 2016 | Clarifying Confusion, Vedic Arts |
In a comment on a previous blog, I was ask about the relationship between omens and shaktipat.
To which I respond:
Omens are an interesting topic. Since, through the transcendent, everything is infinitely correlated in space and time, one could view every event as an omen. It is like the flow of water down a mountain stream. The movement of the molecules of water predetermine where they will be the next moment… omens. Similarly, then, Shaktipat could also be viewed as an action predetermining what follows.
Of course, then enters the notion of free will vs. predetermination. The Guru, acting from a place of free will, can guide or suggest the process shift in more evolutionary directions.
Certainly, everyone has a degree of free will but, generally speaking, predetermination (karma) rules most people’s days.
I would add that even a Guru, who has no karma, has entered into this world of karma. One might compare it to someone who jumps into a swirling torrent of karmic waters to assist drowning people.The Guru is certainly subject to the currents as well as the flailing of arms and legs of those drowning. Though it is not the Guru’s karma to jump into those waters, once done, he has volunteered to deal with the karmic waters and the situation he has entered.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, November 24, 2016 | Vedic Arts |
Our universe is composed of perspectives. It’s our connection with the universal, underlying Transcendent that gives us the awareness to align with the perspective that is most evolutionary and best serves the moment.
The 8th house in the Jyotish astrology chart deals with occult knowledge which would include the domain of witchcraft, left-handed Tantra, etc. Such practices are not rooted in the infinite wisdom of wakefulness to the Absolute. As a result, the diverse orientations to other-worldish perspectives have no basis to guide the practitioner to function in harmony with Natural Law. Whatever perspective the individual practitioner aligns with is basically a roll of the dice. For that reason, those oriented towards 8th house view knowledge of spirituality as a roll of the dice. Life, then, becomes a roll of the dice. From that mindset, one’s access to spirituality is gambling.
This is illustrated in the Mahabharata when the conflict between the Pandavas and the Kauravas began with gambling. Judgment of one another was then determined by a roll of the dice, which in turn, led to the dynamic of life, represented in the Mahabharata. It’s fascinating to reflect upon the idea that for those not grounded in Transcendental awareness, spirituality is aspired to and related to through gambling.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Friday, October 28, 2016 | Vedic Arts |
It seems that everybody here at Mount Soma was talking about how beautiful the close conjunction of Jupiter and Moon in Virgo was this morning. Jupiter transit in Virgo is a very powerful influence on both my personal as well as Mount Soma’s charts. Jyotish says it will bring tremendous and long-lasting, positive influences beginning in February 2017 after Saturn leaves Scorpio.
This lovely pic of the Jupiter-Moon conjunction was taken this morning.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Monday, October 24, 2016 | Vedic Arts |
Though a fuller understanding of Jyotish is a much broader subject, Jyotish is generally viewed as Vedic astrology. The common belief is that the planets circling our sun have an influence upon us, be it by gravity or some other means. Scientists have rejected this notion, saying the planets are too far away to have any such effect. Interestingly enough, they are correct. However, a deeper understanding of Jyotish reveals what is not fully understood. So what is Jyotish, really?…
Read the full article on my page.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, August 23, 2016 | Vedic Arts |
Saturn and Mars have been slowly getting closer and closer to one and other in Scorpio. Wednesday, August 24, Saturn and Mars will be right on top of each other in Scorpio making that difficult conjunction most severe.
After that, they begin to separate so things should then slowly get better.
Then, on September 18, Mars will transit to the next sign, ending the Saturn – Mars conjunction, which should be much better.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.