by Michael Mamas | Monday, March 11, 2013 | Vedic Technology |
The past 48 hours were among the most significant of my life. Huge transformation. This Mahashivarathri at Mount Soma was truly incredible.
The temple was powerful… beautiful… profound. All of Mount Soma was permeated with an indescribable feeling of significance… full, alive, dynamic, and deep. Parked cars lined Mount Soma Boulevard and all parking lots were full and overflowing with cars. People filled the buildings and grounds. I spent a good deal of the time in deep meditation. When not at the temple, the Ustream image continually ran on my computer.
As a child, each holiday had such a tangible feeling unique unto itself. That richness was limitless and omnipresent here. I spent time walking outside… a good distance from the temple, just to feel it from afar. It seemed that hundreds and hundreds of yards of separation did nothing to lessen its influence. I walked in an aura of undeniable Divine Radiance.
It is happening. What a great time to be alive…

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Friday, March 8, 2013 | Announcements |
Tomorrow is Sri Somesvara Temple’s annual celebration of Mahashivarathri.
We will broadcast tomorrow’s events live on Ustream. Note that the times on the schedule are Eastern Standard Time and nothing will be on this Ustream channel except at these times.
Mahashivarathri Rudrabhishekam 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Shiva Parvathi Kalyan 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Rudrabhishekam/Annabhishekam 11:00 PM – 2:00 AM
View Mahashivaratri live at Sri Somesvara!
We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to be a part of this sacred occasion at Mount Soma.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Friday, March 8, 2013 | Vedic Science, Vedic Technology |
Delivering a package, a driver for DHL asked me what this place, Mount Soma, was all about? I told him the following:
There are two approaches to science… conventional and Vedic. Albert Einstein studied Vedic a great deal. He met with Vedic scholars and studied Vedic texts. Much of his work was based upon the Vedic understanding of Creation.
I was a physics major in college and my interest was in the nature and manifestation of existence, which lead me to study Vedic science.
This place is dedicated to the science and technology of Vedic knowledge.
He was intrigued.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, March 6, 2013 | Announcements |
We just heard from India that the Hanuman statue will not be ready in time so we will have to postpone the inauguration until late summer or fall.
We will keep you posted as soon as we learn more.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, February 24, 2013 | Vedic Technology |
On Sunday, June 2nd, we will be installing a huge granite Hanuman statue a couple hundred feet west of the Sri Somesvara Temple at Mount Soma. To do so involves major multi-day ceremonies with Vedic pandits from all around, culminating in the installation on June 2nd. In its power and beauty, it will be similar to the inauguration of the temple, which many of you attended. I am looking forward to seeing Hanuman up on that hill along Surya Lane. The sheer presence of such a murthi elicits profound enlivenment of the Transcendental depth of my soul. To see Him there every day is something I look forward to with great anticipation. I remember when we placed the Nandi statue across from the temple. From a long distance away, you could feel the dynamic they together set up. With the addition of Hanuman, that feeling will be enhanced many-fold.
To live here at Mount Soma, in the aura of the Unified Field generator we are constructing, is to live in the highest Heaven on Earth. The instruction manual for such a generator is there in the Vedic texts. You may then wonder why such a place is not already in existence. The answer is simple… it is Kali Yuga. In Kali Yuga, that type of question is answered by saying it just must not be true, but that characteristic mentality of Kali Yuga is the very reason it hasn’t been built. But with the transition to Sat Yuga, this place is happening. I would strongly encourage you to not miss the opportunity of this inauguration which will, in time, be recorded as a great event in history.
Construction of my new home at Mount Soma will be completed soon. Our current home at Mount Soma is now up for sale. If you are interested, contact Hayley or Naomi at the Student Union (828-627-6200).
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Hanuman installation.
Jai Hanuman!
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.