by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, December 27, 2011 | Announcements, Vedic Technology |

The Pandits completed the 11 days at Rameshvaram and are now at Sreesailam in AndhraPradesh. Two stories follow. Coincidence or magical? You can decide. They are certainly true.
One day in Rameshvaram it was raining and raining all day long. After ceremonies, the Pandits went for supper. While at supper, the rain became so strong that the roads were not passable. The Pandits could not return to the hotel. They decided to pray to Lord Shiva. Immediately after the prayer ended, the rain remarkably stopped! The moment the pandits returned to their hotel, the rain started again and did not stop all through the night and the entire next day.
More recently, they arrived at the next jyotirlinga, Sreesailam, only to find no rooms or puja halls available for rent, as it is tourist season. They stood amidst scores of visitors wondering what to do. A stranger approached them and they told him about me, the MMWPP, and their trouble finding rooms. He told them not to worry and to follow him. Remarkably, without delay, he found a puja hall for them and took them to a hotel with rooms available. After signing for the rooms, the pandits turned around to thank the man. He was nowhere to be found. The pandits were staggered. It was as if he had vanished into thin air.

Clay lingas at Rameshvaram.
At each jyotirlinga, the pandits make 365 small lingas out of mud every day for 11 days. After the 11 days of ceremony, the 4015 lingas (11 x 365) are put into a nearby river to dissolve and wash away. A Kalash (container) of water from the ceremonies is brought to the jyotirlinga and poured over it.
We all know that different things all have their own unique feeling. Some call that an ‘energy’ or ‘vibration.’ The ‘serpent power’ that moves up the spine is called kundalini. This kundalini energy is the power to create, dissolve, and recreate the universe. Very powerful! The mud to make the lingas needs to be of that vibration. Therefore, the pandits use mud from snake holes to make the lingas. That is certainly a fascinating example of mapping. Yes??
We thank all who have contributed to help support the MMWPP. Find out how you can JOIN THE PROJECT and have your name included in the ceremonies at each Jyotirlinga.
Jai Siva Sankara!!
To see a map of all the Jyotirlingas, CLICK HERE.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, December 1, 2011 | The Gods |
Yesterday, after the Karthikeya marriage ceremony, Pandit asked me to say a few words. I gave a sense of the difference between Karthikeya and Ganesh with a simple analogy. People liked it and asked me to write it in a blog, so here it is.
Existence is crystalline in structure – as if it is all done with mirrors, consciousness becomes aware of itself over and over again, creating the structure. Ganesh is the principle in nature of categorization, i.e. the structuring of nature – of the crystal of existence. That is why Lord Ganesh is the Lord of Categories. You can view the whole topic from the perspective of physics. Ganesh is the remover of obstacles because enlivening the structure (categorizations) of the crystal causes it (life) to resonate, to hum, to function in harmony, which means to receive the support of the whole of nature and thereby obstacles are removed, cast off, purified out.
Now imagine the full spectrum of all the colors of light shining through the crystal of existence. These are the fundamental operators of life and existence, the Gods. Karthikeya is the principle of orchestration of all the colors of light reflecting through the crystal. He is the Commander in Chief of all the Gods. The infinite orchestration of the mathematical precision of the intelligence of nature is his domain. That quality of nature is called Karthikeya. Through him, opposition to harmony in life is overcome.
So Ganesh is ruler of the structure of existence. Karthikeya is ruler of the principles of light that shines through as the essence of all that is. To be more specific, light can be viewed as a particular frequency of sound, and actually the crystal of existence is the structure of sound of which light is one aspect. So really we are talking, not just about light, but about sound in the broadest sense of the word. The mantras and Brahmanas are the sounds underlying all that is.
Though life and existence can be viewed through the eyes of pure physics, and doing so can help one understand things, the personified value is what gives it all meaning and turns out to be the foundation of the technology that best addresses the most fundamental principles of life and existence. The future supercomputers will be cosmic computers. They will interact with nature on the most fundamental level… the personified level. This is within the domain of Vedic technology and the computer is human awareness. Sri Somesvara Temple is a vehicle to facilitate that process, the communion of you with the most sublime aspect of your being.
By the way, do you know why Karthikeya is the guru of his father, Lord Siva? Because he takes the totality of the light that is Shiva and orchestrates its separation into the full spectrum of color and harmony, complete with all its complexity and grandeur, and reflects it back to Shiva. The guru shows you your own grandeur.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, November 30, 2011 | Announcements |
As most of you know, I was given the title of Brahmarshi recently. I was quite humbled by the honor. However, it is my understanding that Brahmarshi is such an exalted title that some even say there are no Brahmarshis in this age of Kali Yuga.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for those who gave me this title. However, after consulting with Pandit Prasad and others, I have decided to change the title from Brahmarshi to Maharshi which is, I feel, more appropriate in this era.
I trust all will understand my decision and know that it is done with the utmost respect for all involved.
Please send all emails for me to [email protected].
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, November 15, 2011 | The Gods |
The other day I posted the quote, “Through patience and balance you will learn reverence for all things.”
Prior to that post, Pandit Prasad told me that I should go to the temple alone every morning to speak with Lord Shiva. I did and still do as he said. I feel in my heart that the quote is of Shiva, not me. I do not claim anything other than that these words came in the morning at the temple.
Now, several days later, the following was conveyed to be shared with all.
“Are you willing to accept process for what it is? Or are you fixed upon a vision of your choosing?
The gardener cares for the rosebud, without need to direct how the petals unfold.
Life is a process unfathomable. It leads where it does.
Care for the process as a gardener lovingly cares for the rose.
Some call this living in the now. Others call it freedom from attachment to a goal.
Whatever it is called, the name veils the meaning.
It can be called acceptance.
It can be called wisdom.
It can be called humility.
It is not indifference. It is not passivity.
It is balance.
It is living life as life is, instead of trying to make life something it is not.
Life is a process. It is not a goal.
Live your life.”
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Friday, November 11, 2011 | Announcements |
Yesterday was a lot of fun. Over a dozen people visited from Tollywood (South Indias answer to Hollywood). They were absolutely wonderful!
First they visited the temple. Then after lunch, I spoke in the meditation hall, followed by Pandit and Lakshmi.
Then the Tollywood stars sang, danced, and performed skits. It was totally delightful! Love flowed and filled the room.
I will be visiting Tollywood (where they will be scheduling a talk for me and a TV interview) the next time I go to India… perhaps in January.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.