by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 | Vedic Arts |
Is the art of jyotish also cognized? The stars that form a constellation may not be the same light-years away. How would the rishis know that certain constellations have significant impacts on a person?
The entire universe is contained within every point in creation. Perhaps thinking of a hologram will help you get a feeling for that. So contained within every individual is all knowledge of the entire universe and how it is all interconnected. That knowledge is called “Jyotish,” and it is cognized.
Cognition was done by the Rishis by bringing their awareness to the depth of their being (that place that is one with everything) and allowing the knowledge contained there to well up through their physiologies. Cognition is not an analysis or a thought process. It is a physiological process similar to using your physiology like a phonograph. The knowledge contained in the recording wells up through the phonograph and out the speakers. It’s not a thought process that the phonograph is going through. Rather, it is a mechanical or physiological process.
Where the stars are and what the constellations look like at various locations is all taken into account in the cognition. Again, total knowledge of that entire structure is contained within the depth of existence, the Veda, the essence of your being.
In and of themselves, the planets and constellations don’t have an impact in the way people think of it. The whole thing is interconnected. The planets and constellations exist within you. It is simply the monitoring of those planets and constellations that reflects like a mirror image, the dynamic that is going on within you, around you, and throughout the entire universe.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, December 15, 2015 | Vedic Technology |
The expansion of Knowledge has no end. I remember one day sitting in the temple and listening to the Pandits chant. It carried me to a new level of appreciation of the fabric of space, i.e. the Akasha. Interestingly, prior to that experience, if I heard someone describe that experience, I believe I would have felt I knew what they were talking about. However, it was just a deeper experience of the fabric of space than I ever had before. Or perhaps it was just a new perspective on an experience I had many times before. Or perhaps those are two ways of describing the same thing. A deeper experience is just a new perspective. But could you have had that deeper experience earlier? Was your physiology refined enough to do so at an earlier time?
It was as if I was just paying closer attention to something I had experienced many time before. Sort of like if you were sitting in a chair and didn’t really pay much attention to the texture of fabric even though you had noticed and felt it many times before. Once you pay attention to it in a new way, the appreciation deepens to the point that you find it hard to believe you had not really noticed it in that way earlier.
Many things are like that, particularly if you are meditating and therefore becoming more perceptive on deeper levels of your being. A new experience seems so natural that you can’t help but feel that you would have been able to experience it years earlier, if you just paid proper attention.
Experiencing the Fabric of Space, the Akasha, is like that. There is no end to the deepening of your experience of it as your physiology refines on deeper levels of your being. That is true of your experiences of everything, not just the Akasha. Yet finding the words to describe the difference does not seem possible. The words stay the same, they just take on a deeper more significant meaning.
The Akasha is everything. It is everywhere. The quality of the Akasha determines the quality of life. If the air is polluted, the quality of life suffers. The same is true of the Akasha only more so.
Ring a bell and feel the room as the sound gives way to silence. Sit with that feeling of the enlivened silence. That is the feeling of the Akasha. Then the next time you hear the pandits chant, feel into that Akasha. Notice how the space, the Akasha, thrills with the sound. Notice how it awakens and purifies, shines like a glimmering crystal. Notice how it is full, crisp, clear and energized.
Living in such a space is like living in an environment where the air is not polluted, only more so. The benefits over time can not be overstated. Now imagine a world where the Akasha is pure, clean, fresh, awakened, and alive. Vedic technology has the ability to purify the global Akasha. When the akasha is cleared, there is no pollution. When the akasha is cleared, world group consciousness is cleared. Ultimately, world peace and all good things then come to our planet. Group consciousness and the quality of the Akasha go hand in hand.
Learn more about Vedic technology at
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Monday, December 14, 2015 | Vedic Technology |
Your world is like a space constructed of fabric. Your behavior affects that fabric and everything that happens within that space. All too often, people relate to others based upon there own inner world with no regard for how they are affecting the space itself.
To really understand how you impact other people, you need to understand how you are impacting that fabric. Are you tugging at it? Are you twisting or trying to tear it? Are you being overly attentive and paranoid about it? Or do you have a good, healthy, broad-minded understanding of the dynamic at play in the environment as a whole.
There is a lot of freedom here. You can play with the whole thing in a manner that is consistent with your own nature. It’s merely a matter of simultaneously being respectful of the environment and the people within it.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Saturday, December 12, 2015 | The Veda |
Thoughts go on and on. The emotions churn relentlessly. Life can feel like a seething torrent of thoughts and emotions without end. Highs, lows, confusion, clarity, all leading to exhaustion. Yet there is a silent ocean that lies deep within you, beyond thoughts, beyond emotions, a field of peace referred to by the ancient sages as “the Self,” your Self, your inner being.
There is one universal Consciousness that we each tap into as our own individual awareness. Who and what you are is far beyond thoughts and emotions, incomprehensible, vast and unbounded. There is only one Consciousness, one field, one ocean. Yet every individual taps into it in the form of their own individual awareness. That ocean dwells at the depth of all things, all beings, all creatures, just like the silent depth of the ocean dwells as the source of every wave that churns upon its surface. Your consciousness is one with that Consciousness. Your being is one with that Being. You are that. All of this is nothing but that. You have only to find it within the depth of your being, within your soul.
It cannot be touched. It cannot be grasped. But like the sun, the rays of its influence emerging from the very source of all existence can be felt, radiating through your body. Those rays are called the soul. You can feel your soul. Follow your soul to the depth of the ocean. There is an ocean.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Wednesday, December 9, 2015 | Announcements |
I recently added new sections to the website called "Vedic Science" and "Vedic Arts".
More pages will be added to these sections in the future.
New pages:
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.