by Michael Mamas | Tuesday, September 18, 2012 | Vedic Arts |
Everything maps on to everything else. Why? Because everything is the Unified Field, i.e. in spiritual terms, everything is One. If you are the unified field and a tennis ball is the unified field, then it follows that you are the tennis ball. Again in spiritual terms… it is all God. Everything is one with God. In mathematical terms this is called ‘mapping.’ Everything maps on to everything else. For example, in reflexology, the foot maps on to the rest of the body. The big toe is the head, the heel is the pelvis, etc. Some mappings are rather direct as in reflexology. Others are very abstract, like how the arrangement of tea leaves in a cup maps on to your future. The mappings are valid. Whether or not anyone can read them accurately is quite another matter.
Jyotish (astrology) is a mapping. The question is, “Can anyone accurately read that mapping?” The current world situation does map on to the planets (and everything else), but can it be read? I understand the ancient Mayans paid particular attention to the location of the rising Venus…. similar to the rising sun’s equinox and solstice. I understand that the Venus cycle is much longer than the sun’s. This is one factor. There are many alignments of objects like planets, as well as points like Rahu and Ketu, that come into such calculations.
Again, the validity of mapping is certain. Everything comes out of and is, in essence, the same one thing. The question is, “Can anyone read those mappings.”
I have experienced many incredible things in my life. To my experience, the best jyotishis (jyotish practitioners) do not even look at the charts. They just know. They are called Seers… Rishis. Also, to my experience, they do not share all of what they know with the world at large. What would be the point? When the Master speaks, it immediately ceases to be what the Master said and becomes what the listener heard. With a finger on that pulse, the Master says what he says. The Master who is also a Teacher pushes that envelope in the desire to help humanity. However, few Masters are also Teachers. Most avoid the world at large.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, September 16, 2012 | Announcements |
The Nine Days of Mother Divine this fall will be very special for Mount Soma.
The feeling here is building exponentially. More and more people are coming for lectures and visits. The Student Union will be finished and ready for the Nine Days of Mother Divine.
Ever since I was thirty years old, jyotishis have been telling me that the time of my Jupiter Dasa, which will begin this year during the Nine Days, will be a time of great success and abundance, a time when our goal of Mount Soma will fully blossom.
It marks the transition from a long period of challenges and obstacles (Rahu Dasa) to a time of fulfillment. One never knows what the future holds and we will have to see. However, this time of great transition merits our attention and celebration. I feel it is no coincidence that it comes during the Nine Days of Mother Divine and the opening of the Student Union.
The build up of Divine Energy here is palpable. Come witness and enjoy with us this historic event… this moment of great transition!
Be here as we usher in the enlightened age that so many have foreseen for so many millennia.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, September 13, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion |

What does it mean to always be thinking of God? In the highest sense, it is an aspect of a state of physiology. To force yourself to always be thinking of God would be a more superficial level. The state of physiology I am referring to here is the normal and natural state of a healthy physiology, cultivated over time through meditation and proper environment.
‘Always thinking of God’ is not based upon a mental state at all. It is rooted in something deeper, namely, wakefulness to what naturally lies within, i.e. your own being. It is Sat Chit Ananda… eternal bliss consciousness. To witness the cultivation of that state in others is most fulfilling. The following quote speaks beautifully of the cultivation of that state of consciousness:
“When your mind is mainly engaged in God you shall receive his grace,
God is all-powerful.
Even a little of His grace is capable of bestowing on the ego all that is good in its entirety.
The declaration of the Lord that is proved by the scriptures is this;
“Whosoever thinks of Me with one-pointed devotion, I shall conduct his necessary work also”.
The experience of the bhaktis also goes to prove the declaration of the Lord.
Accumulate wealth (artha), but in such a way that is not against transcendental wealth (param-artha).
That which hinders transcendental wealth and results in accumulation in sin is not wealth but a burden, a debt (anartha).”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~– Swami Brahmananda Saraswati
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, September 9, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion, Vedic Technology |
I was asked a rather intricate set of questions about mantras to which I respond:
The universe manifested in a mathematically precise manner creating a very precise underlying structure to creation. The building blocks of that structure are mantras, which have a corresponding sound. Those sounds each have a specific quality which, when chanted, enliven that value in the physiology and psyche. The science of using the right mantra at the right time in the right manner is subtle indeed, just as using the right medicine at only the right time and dose is of great importance.
On one level, a mantra is a sound. From another angle, a mantra is a word with a meaning. From another, it can be a name of a God… i.e. a name for one facet of the One. Some say a mantra should be done with reverence or it will not be effective. That is true and not true. If the mantra is repeated without reverence, it still has an effect. Slowly it will melt the ice. Slowly one will awaken to the warm sunshine of the depth of ones being from which the mantra emerges, for you are one with the Unified Field, the underlying basis of all that is. A mantra warms the soul, so to speak. As things thaw, life is felt more fully. The fine texture of Divine essence begins to be more fully felt from within. This naturally blossoms into reverence.
On the other hand, if reverence is there already, so much the better. BUT we must be careful here. There is mood-making and then there is genuine reverence. Emotional indulgence is not the true reverence of which I am speaking. Real reverence is an evolved state of physiology… not an attitude or mood. Remember, echoes of Truth perceived as Truth hold Truth at bay. The same is so for reverence.
Clinging to what one may think of as reverence when doing a mantra could interfere with the blossoming of genuine reverence, which emerges from the very depth of your being. For this to occur in an undistorted, balanced, and fully integrated manner is most delicate. Feeling deeply and feeling deeply with refined pure tone are two different things. Like radio receivers, the same music may be heard, but with varying degrees of clarity… distorted or distortion free. Clinging to the distortion that has infiltrated the physiology inhibits the evolution of the reception.
When the physiology is pure and free of stress or strain, the body thrills with the vibration of mantras naturally. Repeating the right mantras at the right time in the right manner over time creates that state of harmony within… harmony with nature…. harmony with the true Self. To evolve means to reawaken to the You that eternally dwells deep within each individual. Mantras facilitate the process when used properly. Mantras are born out of the depth and can be used to awaken you to the depth.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Saturday, September 8, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion, Spiritual Evolution |

“It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.”
– Will Rogers
Identity with one reality ‘ain’t so.’ Yet it is the state of humanity that people strive to find the one reality that answers all questions and responds appropriately to all situations.
Life is a-maze-ing. Existence is a reality continuum – mandalas of realities, interconnected, yet unifying polar opposites. Anything you know ‘ain’t so.’
The dance of Lord Shiva that manifested this universe is far more illusive than unidimensional thinking can even begin to fathom. Yet humanity continues to seek the unidimensional reality that will answer all questions.
It just ‘ain’t so’.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.