by Michael Mamas | Sunday, May 13, 2012 | The Gods |
I received the following question:
Q: Please give some clarity about Abundance. I am noticing that through the teachings of abundance, I feel as though people get wrapped around the monetary aspect to gain materialism.
I have experienced Abundance on that level and know that it is not the key to connecting to the divine, nor spiritual growth. Can you bring some light to this?
A: Lakshmi is the Goddess of Abundance. She is represented in pure gold. She is the fullness of the abundance we experience on a beautiful lush, fully resplendent summer day.
She is a rose in that moment of perfect full bloom in the morning mist. She is abundance on all levels of life… spiritual fullness and contentment… abundant good health… fullness of love, joy, and friendship… peace and happiness. Material wealth is only a small aspect of her domain.
In Kali Yuga, most who go to her seem to be asking for money. However, a fulfilled life and material wealth… well… you get the idea.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Friday, May 11, 2012 | Vedic Technology |
Thanks to E.K. for the following link.
As many experts have said, and as I have discussed in some of my talks, the Mayan calendar does not end in December 2012. The calendar is a cycle, like the hands of your watch, going round and round, over and over again. December 2012 marks the transition to another cycle.
The Age of Enlightenment will blossom, just as certainly as the sun will rise again. And just as we can predict when the sun will rise, we can foresee the larger cycles of time as the Mayans pointed out.
Our work is to bring forth the transition as smoothly as possible. In so doing, you will help more people than you may even be able to imagine. Just as one little light bulb can illuminate an entire room, it is within our capability to prevent major events that will, if left unchecked, unleash unimaginable havoc.
Vedic Knowledge provides us with the technology to foresee and adjust the future.
We can usher in the Enlightened Age through the portal of world peace and abundance for all humanity. My lectures have revealed the rationality underlying the method. To understand and believe this is one thing. To act on it is quite another.
Live your life, so that, at the end of your life, you do not lament over what might have been, but instead, rejoice over what was. Life should not be lived on the sidelines. You have great knowledge. Act upon it.
Think big. Your domain is the universe.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Thursday, May 10, 2012 | Clarifying Confusion |
Pandit Prasad made the following comments about the Supermoon. They are excellent and I am passing them on to you here.
- With a Supermoon, the earth is closer to the moon, bringing more soma; and the moon is closer to the sun, bringing more agni.
- During a full moon, especially during a Supermoon, the tide comes in and there are bigger waves. The same happens to the emotions, which is why there is more lunacy on full moons. The moon influences emotions, will, and mind. This choppiness happens on new moons and full moons – people are affected by both. Brilliant moons are more upsetting than less brilliant ones.
- The influence of this Supermoon started on Friday and the moon was brightest and biggest on Sunday afternoon around 2 pm EDT. This is why this weekend was a difficult one for many.
- This Supermoon affects the rest of 2012. It also influences all the planets. It especially affects those with a debilitated moon in their Jyotish chart.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, May 6, 2012 | The Gods |
To understand anything is to understand its source. All things emerge from the One, the Transcendent, the Unified Field.
The mechanic unfolds as the field of polar opposites emerges, starting with Oneness catching a glimpse of itself and viewing it as “other.” Separation is birthed. Multiplicity unfolds.
Yin and Yang… the Moon and the Sun. The Moon is water – Soma, soft and nourishing. The Sun is Agni – fire. Polar opposites.
Infinite microcosms are born, each a full expression of the mechanic of manifestation of Oneness.
Our solar system is but one of them.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.
by Michael Mamas | Sunday, April 15, 2012 | Spiritual Evolution, The Gods |

Rama, the creator, reveres Lord Shiva, the destroyer.
With the birth of a new understanding, the old must dissolve away.
In other words, you can’t take it with you.
This is challenging enough in the material realm. In the domain of the emotional, it can be a most formidable task.
Evolution means change.
© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.