
fireMany are aware that Mars has lately been retrograde with a fiery influence.

Though it goes direct today, it will still be moving slowly so jyotishis caution that the influence will continue until the end of May. Some say it is a good time to avoid serious conversations.  Tempers may flare.

While we are on the subject of jyotish, I would like to remind everyone that readings are a forecast of upcoming influences, but do not dictate who you are or how you must live your life.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Vastu Systems

vastu homeA number of people are getting confused about vastu.

Know that there are many different systems of vastu.  I have studied a number of them.  If you take a master of one system and walk them through the house of another system, they will tell you it is all wrong.  It is a little like playing music in different keys.  Sharps and flats may work in one key but not another.

After extensive research, at Mount Soma we are using the system of Ganapati Sthapati.  The temple and everything else here is based upon that.  So you would do well to keep your home at Mount Soma in accord with it.  That way you are “in tune with the orchestra” here.

Also note, that you can build a house based upon your personal jyotish chart or based upon the other buildings here.  That is your choice.  If you are building your own home on you own lot, you can build based upon your chart.  If you are buying a cottage, you usually have an option but not always… for example, the 4 flats between the Community Center and Student Union are already locked in and built upon the school chart.  Some argue that is the best way to go.  You may also prefer that more ‘universal’ design if you are thinking of resell, though really, concern about all that is getting overly caught up with it all.  It is fine to buy a house that is built and designed based upon another’s chart.  Personally, I build everything based on the Mount Soma chart and just keep it simple and universal that way.

Michael Borden is the best way to go if you need a vastu expert of the system we use here.  He can be reached at [email protected].  His website is  You would do well to take my advice and not get confused with all the other systems.  I suggest, at Mount Soma, let’s all build in the same “key”.

Also note the words of one vastu expert who flew in to the US from India to stay in my home a couple weeks to teach me a great deal about his system, “There is no such thing as perfect vastu.”  (It is a bit like the concept of ‘a good enough mother’ for those of you who are familiar with that psychodynamic system).  He also said that 80% of vastu is just taking care of the brahmastan.  So try not to lose the forest for the trees and you will do fine.

Michael Borden is a wise and practically experienced vastu expert.  Do as he says and you will do very well. Try to fathom the entire world of vastu and you will likely end up overwhelmed and quite confused.  I spent years on the subject of exploring all the various systems so rest assured that has been taken care of.

By the way, my wife and I recently sold our Asheville home and are now building our new home at Mount Soma. As a result the house we are living in now at Mount Soma is for sale. If anyone is interested, please call Hayley at 828-627-6200.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Karma and Dharma

carKarma and Dharma… it is all there is.

Right attitude is dharma.  Wrong attitude is karma.

‘Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.’ – Winston Churchill

Lovely quote, but in this context… understated.

It is not so much the thing, as it is your relationship with the thing.

The Truth is, there is no-thing.  There is only relationship with.

There is the Knower, the Known, and the Process of Knowing.  It is all constructed by the Beautiful Hand of Maya.

Dharma frees.  Karma binds.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

A Life-Transforming 48 Hours

ganeshThe past 48 hours at Mount Soma were among the most incredible hours of my life.

The power during the Mahashivaratri was unbelievable.  It is not about the surface. It is about the depth.  It is about the movement of the unmovable within you.  There is such a strong deep inner essence, awake, bright, solid, full, eternal, loving… on and on.  It is so tangible and brings such a deep quiet joy to your soul.  It seems that to describe it, you are compelled to use paradoxical language.  Still, yet dynamic. Silent, yet overt.  Peaceful, yet alert.

Something truly amazing is happening here.

So much has happened in the past year.  And the upcoming year promises to be… well, what can I say.  Great? Fantastic?

Get the depth right and the surface takes care of itself.  The past 48 hours has certainly given everyone who attended a taste of that truth.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Pandit School for Boys

pandit boyWe are delighted to announce that today we have begun our School for Pandit boys in South India.

Though Sri Somesvara is central, there is much more to creating a Unified Field Generator than just the temple.  The city around it and the type of activities are all essential parts.

It is also essential that the pandits are world men. They must maintain and feed their own cultural integrity while seamlessly interacting with global communities throughout the world.

Today marks the day when we begin their training program.  This is a time for celebration!  The significance cannot be overstated.  In time, we plan to bring the boys to Mount Soma for several months each year.

More information about the program will come soon.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.